Cum se transferă manual un site WordPress pe un server nou, în 6 pași simpli

In cazul in care aveti un site realizat pe platforma WordPress si doriti sa-l mutati pe un alt server cu un alt URL, si nu puteti utiliza un plugin pentru acest lucru, va prezint mai jos 6 pasi simpli pe care trebuie sa-i urmati pentru a efectua manual acest transfer.
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Useful .htaccess code snippets

We have found a very useful list on with 20 code snippets for your .htaccess file. It is very important that all web admins understand and know how to successfully manage the .htaccess file. This file is mainly responsible for steering your website’s directories, but its functionalities can be extended by adding various lines of code. We created an excellent collection of 20 useful .htaccess code snippets. These will improve your website and ease your work. Take a look at all of these .htaccess code snippets and see which one you can add to your website. You can find .htaccess code snippets about various topics such as iPad detection, error pages, Favicon requests, protecting folders with a password, PHP error logging, 301 redirects, image hot linking, set expires, append/prepend files, and more. These code snippets will save a lot of time and effort. Check them out and don’t forget to backup your .htaccess file before trying any of these.
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Migrate to HTTPS

A community site to help site owners migrate to HTTPS with a simple tested process. Allowing you to filter the plan based on multiple platforms (WordPress, Magento, and more), hosting environments (cPanel, Apache, and more) along with the level of control / access you have over the site.
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How to use Instagram on your PC or Mac

Instagram is the most popular social media service in the world. Yet, despite this, the company still doesn’t offer a good method for desktop users to explore the service. If you don’t have access to a smartphone that runs Android or iOS, you’re typically limited to Instagram’s website. While there, you can browse images, peruse profiles, and comment as you please, but you cannot upload or edit photos. This is because the service wants users to take and edit photos in the moment, which means using your phone – at least according to Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom.
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