Cum se transferă manual un site WordPress pe un server nou, în 6 pași simpli

In cazul in care aveti un site realizat pe platforma WordPress si doriti sa-l mutati pe un alt server cu un alt URL, si nu puteti utiliza un plugin pentru acest lucru, va prezint mai jos 6 pasi simpli pe care trebuie sa-i urmati pentru a efectua manual acest transfer.
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The Garden of Earthly Delights

O interfata interactiva, care ofera o incursiune bine documentata in pictura „The Garden of Earthly Delights” a lui Hieronymus Bosch – „The Garden of Earthly Delights” este titlul modern acordat unei picturi in ulei, in format triptic, pictat de maestrul timpuriu olandez Hieronymus Bosch, aflat in Muzeul del Prado din Madrid din 1939. Tabloul dateaza intre 1490 si 1510, cand Bosch avea intre 40 si 60 de ani.
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Analiza online a concurentei

Cunoasteti probabil proverbul „Tine-ti prietenii aproape iar dusmanii si mai aproape”. Nicaieri nu este aceasta zicala mai adevarata decat in lumea business-ului online. Odata cu explozia vanzarilor online concurentii dvs nu sunt doar magazinele de pe strada. Acum acestia pot fi din cealalta parte a tarii sau de pe alt continent. Cu atat mai mult este necesar sa urmariti cu atentie toate miscarile acestora pe internet. Cunoscand in fiecare moment care este situatia concurentei este un element esential pentru a putea reactiona rapid la schimbarile de pe piata. In acest articol vom arata cum sa analizati concurenta online si sa ramaneti permanent la curent in lumea afacerilor online.
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CSS Snippets

30 Seconds of CSS A curated collection of useful CSS snippets you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
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Migrare site WordPress

Migrate Guru – Migrare site WordPress Migrate Guru – Migrare site WordPress este cel mai rapid mod de a muta site-urile WordPress. Acesta simplifică migrațiile dificile în WordPress (de exemplu, rețelele cu mai multe site-uri, site-urile de 200 GB etc.). Realizat de BlogVault (un partener onboarding al celor mai bune gazde WordPress din lume), Migrate Guru utilizează procese inteligente pe propriile servere, astfel încât există riscuri ZERO pentru site-urile dvs. Se rescriu automat URL-urile, ocolește scripturile de import-export și gestionează datele serializate. De asemenea, transferă site-urile WordPress fără alte interventii manuale, programe auxiliare sau instrumente suplimentare.
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Cum se va schimba viata noastra in 20 de ani – Dieter Zetsche, Daimler AG

Schimbari dramatice in viata noastra in 20 ani, conform CEO Daimler, Dieter Zetsche. Într-un interviu recent, MD de la Daimler Benz (Mercedes Benz) a declarat că principalii lor concurenții nu mai sunt alte companii de automobile, ci Tesla (evident), Google, Apple, Amazon.
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Display Recent Posts From a Specific Category in WordPress

Do you want to display recent posts from a specific category in WordPress? The default recent posts widget shows posts from all categories, and there is no option to filter them by category. In this article, we will show you how to easily display recent posts from a specific category in WordPress.
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CoverVid Background Video Cover

Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with this lightweight Javascript plugin / jQuery extension. Why is it special? For starters, it makes your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image, but other plugins also do that. CoverVid is very lightweight, with only 800 bytes of Javascripts. It is usable in native Javascript and jQuery. Its logic is parent based, meaning the parent element can be any size (Not necessarily just a full-screen background).
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EveryPixel – Motor de cautare imagini

Motor de cautare pentru imagini stock cu filtrare pe teme – EveryPixel Este foarte dificil sa gasesti imagini stock de calitate pentru site-uri sau materiale print. Majoritatea imaginilor sunt „false” si cu greu se potrivesc layout-ului dorit.
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Useful .htaccess code snippets

We have found a very useful list on with 20 code snippets for your .htaccess file. It is very important that all web admins understand and know how to successfully manage the .htaccess file. This file is mainly responsible for steering your website’s directories, but its functionalities can be extended by adding various lines of code. We created an excellent collection of 20 useful .htaccess code snippets. These will improve your website and ease your work. Take a look at all of these .htaccess code snippets and see which one you can add to your website. You can find .htaccess code snippets about various topics such as iPad detection, error pages, Favicon requests, protecting folders with a password, PHP error logging, 301 redirects, image hot linking, set expires, append/prepend files, and more. These code snippets will save a lot of time and effort. Check them out and don’t forget to backup your .htaccess file before trying any of these.
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Migrate to HTTPS

A community site to help site owners migrate to HTTPS with a simple tested process. Allowing you to filter the plan based on multiple platforms (WordPress, Magento, and more), hosting environments (cPanel, Apache, and more) along with the level of control / access you have over the site.
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jQuery Modal Video Plugin

Plugin util pentru inserarea clipurilor YouTube si Vimeo in site. Efect lighbox de deschidere a clipurilor. Avantaje: Nu este afectat de structura DOM Tranzitii elegante Accesibil din taste si readere Optiuni multiple pentru YouTube si Vimeo API
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How to use Instagram on your PC or Mac

Instagram is the most popular social media service in the world. Yet, despite this, the company still doesn’t offer a good method for desktop users to explore the service. If you don’t have access to a smartphone that runs Android or iOS, you’re typically limited to Instagram’s website. While there, you can browse images, peruse profiles, and comment as you please, but you cannot upload or edit photos. This is because the service wants users to take and edit photos in the moment, which means using your phone – at least according to Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom.
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ZippList – The ultimate freebie list for creatives

Zipplist is a collection of websites for all creatives. Whether you are looking for photos, videos, icons, mockups, or patterns, you can find and get them from the websites listed in Zipplist for free. This makes Zipplist top of the list of must-bookmarked websites.
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Google Nik Collection gratuit

Nik Collection este gratuit incepand cu luna martie 2016. Pasionatii de fotografie din întreaga lume utilizează zilnic Colectia Nik pentru a obține cele mai bune din imagini. In efortul continuu al celor de la Google de a dezvolta aplicatii de editare foto pentru mobil, inclusiv Google Foto si Snapseed, acestia facut ca suita de aplicatii desktop Nick COllection sa fie gratuita incepand cu luma martie a acestui an.
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How to Embed a 360 Image in Word Press

The Citadel, Sighisoara, Romania – September, 2016 – #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA 360 panoramas and virtual tours are becoming ever more popular with the releasing of new and easy to use 360 cameras such as Ricoh Theta S, Kodak PixPro SP360, Nikon KeyMission 360 just to name a few. You’ve taken your 360 spherical image and now you are looking for ways to embed it into your WordPress site or blog. There are some easy ways to do that:
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How to Book the Cheapest Flights

Most of my friends were bragging about how they found the best prices for their plane tickets. I’ve done a little research and I found an interesting article on How to Book the Cheapest Flights to Anywhere on Thrifty Nomads „We’ve all experienced the tiresome, repeated searching when trying to book the cheapest possible flights to any given destination. With endless search engines and continually fluctuating prices, the approach to frugal flight booking is overwhelming. Here’s some key tips that will save you time, frustration and most importantly money when booking your next flight.”
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20 Best Free Email Marketing Tools

Every online marketer, blogger or webmaster should use at least one of these best free email marketing tools we gathered here in this list. We selected some of the most useful email marketing tools for you, that are entirely free or have some free plans as well.
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